You can't be perfectly prepared for everything, but every inch of preparedness

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top 10 forgotten prep items

Top 10 Items you forgot about but need in your preps

August 23, 20245 min read

It doesn't matter if your a life long prepper, fully seasoned and tried and tested, or brand new. Every single one of us can forget a great item. So we took to our group and put together this short list of the top ten forgotten about prep items.

  1. Fingernail Clippers: Small and usually forgotten, fingernail clippers have a ton of great uses and make this a number one item on everyone's list. Besides nail care, they can cut thread, fishing line and can be used for survival as well as crafts. In a pinch, I've carefully used mine to pull slivers from my fingers.

  2. Super Glue: There are so many options to look at, but super glue can be used for it's intended purpose as well as to hold a wound closed while your body does some healing. If you want to be even safer, get rapid seal or would closure strips to take care of those cuts a little safer.

  3. Folding Glasses: For me this is an every day carry (EDC) item that I've got in my pocket at all times, but I have put them in my kits as well. You can use the lens to start a fire, burn ants (please don't), and most of all, see with clarity when you need to.

  4. Petroleum Jelly: Does this even expire? It has so many uses from dry skin, diaper rash, chafing, and minor wounds to lip balm. You can also melt it down and mix it with wax and dip cotton balls into it for fantastic fire starters. You can use it to lubricate metal, keep locks and keys working, lubricate zippers and can be used to protect leather as well. It is non carcinogenic and hypoallergenic.

  5. Pantyhose: Ladies and Hunters already know this, but fella's, get yourself some pantyhose. They are slimming and oh wait, not the way I wanted to go with this. Truthfully, I've used these for winter campouts, late season hunting and can attest that they do help with keeping me warmer. The thicker the denier the more warmth. I've also found they have helped reduce rubbing in my boots as well. You can also use pantyhose as a strainer to aid in filtering water. The most interesting thing I've learned is you can put it over your head to avoid facial recognition. Use this information prudently.

  6. Moleskin: If you've earned blisters from hiking, bad shoe choices and such, then you should already know the fantastic benefits of moleskin. I once hiked Mount Whitney in California and did the whole journey up and back in a day. My feet hated me. I lost a few toenails, was extremely sore for days but worst of all was the 1 big fat blister I got on the way up. I took off my boots, opened my first aid kit and cleaned and pierced the blister to drain it. Once drained, I applied some antibiotic ointment and then covered the blister area with moleskin. I doubt I would have summitted without having that mole skin. So now imagine a survival situation where you HAVE to keep going. Be sure to have moleskin and leutoktape on hand.

  7. Signal mirror: Hikers know to carry a signal mirror. It has many benefits from helping you signal for help by reflecting the suns light. However it can also be used to self evaluate and treat facial wounds and see around corners in tight spots. Shane has used his to look into dark caves and his experience has proven it to be more effective than a flashlight any day. Get one and test it out.

  8. Pencil Sharpener: I have these everywhere. You should too. The value of a pencil sharpener in my bug out bag is unmatched. besides sharpening a pencil. I have used it to make skewers for cooking, and tips for improvised arrows. The shavings of dry wood have been fantastic for tinder bundles to help me light fires for warmth. It takes up so little space I think everyone should have one in their bug out bag or get home bag at a minimum.

  9. Fountain Pen and ink: Always have something to write with, but what happens when the ink dries up. Also what happens if you run out of ink. Did you know you can make your own in. While having pens on hand is great, getting a good sturdy fountain pen will elevate your preparedness game and keep you feeling like a lord or a lady during the most apocalyptic scenario you can think of. Having a few extra ink vials can go a long way and you'll be the bell of the ball.

  10. Dental Kits: Number 10 on our list, but number one in your mouth. Dental picks, for cleaning, removing plaque and if possible, grab an even more extensive kit. When teeth suffer, you suffer. I've carried around these little pocket picks for years and a few years ago added them to my kits. You never know when you'll need them. Don't forget your floss as well.

Hopefully you enjoyed this top ten list. If you want to see our full discussion of 43 must-have items, be sure to watch the episode linked below. Thank you for being part of the Prepper Talk Family and be sure to share this with your friends and family who need to get prepared like you.

unusual but highly useful items to prep and keep in your bug out bag

Until next time, be blessed and stay readyminded.

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Scott Stallings

An avid prepper his whole life, Scott has extensive experience in preparedness planning, solutions, gear and has been a host of Prepper Talk radio since the beginning.

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